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Boon Squirt Spoon Review

I love this spoon. I used it a lot when my son was just barely starting to use solid foods. I could put a little food in the spoon and then place it in the diaper bag and go where I needed to go. Then where ever I was, I could simply snap the lid off and feed my baby. It was relatively mess free and made it a lot easier as an on the go mom. I should say if you are a stay at home mom and you don't plan on going places a lot, than this product really isn't necessary. It was really nice to have when I was traveling and I could keep it in the diaper bag without having to tote baby food, spoons and everything else. It was easier. 

My only concerns/complaints with this product are that, if you had really chunky baby food--it won't come out onto the spoon. It really has to be very smooth. Sometimes I would mash bananas by hand and then put them in the spoon and they would get stuck and not come out because it wasn't fine enough. 

I know a lot of people have wondered whether or not their was issues with leaking. That's the main question I get and the answer is NO. I was so happy and relieved that I never had an issue with the spoon leaking out the baby food or anything. As long as you put the spoon cap and squeezy spoon together right, it shouldn't leak and should be fine. 

I would love to answer questions or hear others' experiences with this spoon. feel free to leave comments or e-mail me for further information. 

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    Hi I'm Kathryn, the writer for The Busy Bee Famileee. I am a mom to two crazy boys. I began to write reviews and research other products. I wanted to make sure our family had the best and was purchasing from a worthy brand. I hope you enjoy the fun inspiration and honest reviews. 



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