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Phil & Teds Bouncer Seat Review

I was excited to try the Phil & Teds bouncer seat kit out now that I had purchaed the stroller with the doubles kit. I found a really good deal for the kit, and purchased it online. I recieved the seat and opened up the package to find that their was a crack in one of the seat bars. I immediately contacted the store and exchanged the item for another one. I waited for them to send me a replacement and when it arrived, I opened it up to find yet another crack. At this point, I was very frustrated but I still really wanted the kit and this company had by far the best price so I again asked for a exchange. I waited to recieve my third phil & ted's bouncer seat kit and when it arrived, I was amazed to find a very very small crack in the bar again. This one was so small that I decided to try and patch it up with electrical tape and use the kit at this point. I am still pretty convinced that the reason they were selling the Phil & Ted's bouncer kit for so cheap is because perhaps the products had been damaged or something. I still feel certain it wasn't all Phil & Ted's bouncer seats but it was disconcerning for the product. We did use the kit a handful of times but I would have used it more if I had recieved it on time. It worked pretty well and I think was comfortable for a newborn/infant. It's a bit pricey for a infant seat because that's all it is. It probably shouldn't be called a "bouncer seat" because that makes it seem like it really bounces a lot or moves. This infant seat has a little bounce to it but it's not really "bouncy". It's a very comfortable, and travel friendly infant seat. I enjoyed it and am glad I have one. I would use it quite a bit for travel. It's so simple to travel with. I wouldn't pay full price for it however, it's a bit expensive. 

PROS: great for travel, folds up compact, comfortable
CONS: dealt with cracks in the frame (not sure it's phil & teds fault however), a little difficult to set up but not terrible, expensive, not really a bouncer

The kit sells for around $54.00. (I have found these on sale at a alot of places recently however and I'm sure you could find one at discount. places to, and even

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    Hi I'm Kathryn, the writer for The Busy Bee Famileee. I am a mom to two crazy boys. I began to write reviews and research other products. I wanted to make sure our family had the best and was purchasing from a worthy brand. I hope you enjoy the fun inspiration and honest reviews. 



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